11.6. MALOCS2: Module To Collapse AMPX Master Cross Section libraries
L.M. Petrie
11.6.1. Introduction
MALOCS2 (Miniature AMPX Library Of Cross Sections) is a module to collapse AMPX master cross-section libraries. The SCALE MALOCS2 module is an extension of the AMPX module MALOCS. MALOCS2 provides capability to read the collapsing spectrum from the output flux file produced by XSDRNPM, and also has extended options for collapsing Legendre moments of the 2D elastic scattering matrix. The module can be used to collapse neutron, gamma-ray, or coupled neutron-gamma master libraries.
11.6.2. MALOCS Input Data
- broadfilename
filename of the collapsed library [no default]
- crosssectionprint
cross section printing option [none]
none - don’t print any cross sections
onedxsecs - print the 1D cross sections
twodxsecs N - print the 2D cross sections through Legendre order N
- epsilon
epsilon for when to print invalid moment messages[0.05]
- finefilename
filename of the input library [no default]
- fluxfilename
filename of an xsdrn flux file to be used in the collapse [no default]
- numgammagroups
the number of fine gamma groups [no default]
- gammacollapse
the broad group by fine group collapse structure for the gammas
must come after “numgammagroups”
- latticezones
identifies the zones to be used as fuel, gap, clad, and moderator [1,2,3,4]
- max2dweightorder
maximum Legendre order to be collapsed [max Legendre order of the nuclide]
- numneutrongroups
the number of fine neutron groups [no default]
- neutroncollapse
the broad group by fine group collapse structure for the neutrons
must come after “numneutrongroups”
- printepsilon
not used [2.0D-6]
- problemfilename
filename of the xsdrn data file that corresponds to the flux file [no default]
- sigmatotalpl
flag to turn on doing a within group correction using the Pl weighted sigma total
‘y’ or ‘yes’ is true, anything else is false [true]
- updatechi
flag to turn on updating the total chi
‘y’ or ‘yes’ is true, anything else is false [true]
- validate2ds
flag to validate the Legendre moments of the collapsed 2D cross sections
‘y’ or ‘yes’ is true, anything else is false [true]
- weighttype
type of weighting to be done
innercell - cell weight over a subset of the zones
innercell is followed by the largest zone number in the innercell
cell - cell weight over the whole cell
zone - weight each zone independently
region - cell weight each nuclide over only the zones it is in
default is region
- wgtsource
source of the weighting flux
nuclideflux - use the flux from the nuclide on the fine group library
inputflux - read a flux from input
[default is to use an xsdrn flux]
- end
terminates input stream
11.6.3. MALOCS Example Problem
The following problem shortens the 56 group library to just the nuclides that will be used to run a fixed source, 1-D discrete ordinates calculation of a void sphere with a neutron source in it, surrounded by a sphere of water, and then surrounded by an iron sphere. The flux from the discrete ordinates problem is then used to collapse the short library to 14 groups using a zone collapse method. Finally, the collapsed library is listed showing the nuclides on it, and copied back to the input directory.
ln -s ${DATA}/scale.rev04.xn56v7.1 ft51f001
0$$ 52 e
1$$ 1 1t
2$$ 51 8 2t
3$$ 1001 1002 8016 8017 26054 26056 26057 26058 3t
=csas1 parm=bonami
generate a flx file to be used to collapse a library
read composition
iron 1 1.0 293.0 end iron
water 2 1.0 293.0 end water
end composition
read celldata
multiregion spherical end
0 1.0 2 10.0 1 15.0 end zone
ievt=0 iqm=1 ntd=61 fwr=62 source(1)=15
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.05
end moredata
end celldata
' the input fine group cross section library to be collapsed
' the output collapsed cross section library
' the file with the fluxes from xsdrn to be used to collapse the XSs
' the file containing the description of the xsdrn problem
' number of fine neutron groups
' fine group to broad group correspondence array
4r1 4r2 4r3 4r4 4r5 4r6 4r7 4r8 4r9 4r10 4r11 4r12 4r13 4r14
' type of weighting to be used in doing the collapse
0$$ 53 e 1$$ 0 1t
cp ft53f001 ${OUTDIR}