4.3. MAVRIC Utilities

4.3.1. Introduction

Several utilities are provided to aid users in dealing with some of the output files produced by Monaco and MAVRIC. These utilities were developed at ORNL for specific projects and have been added to SCALE so that all users can benefit. More utilities have been added that deal with Denovo, including the older *.varscl files for flux output used in SCALE 6.1 and the current binary *.dff file for flux output used in SCALE 6.2. These tools do not have the modern block/keyword input structure but instead have a fixed format, which is fairly simple since each utility is made for a very specific function.

Each is described in the following sections. Five sample problems, mavricUtilities1.inp, mavricUtilities2.inp, mavricUtilities3.inp, mavricUtilities4.inp and mavricUtilities5.inp demonstrate the use of some of these. For all of these utilities, filenames should be enclosed in quotes.

4.3.2. Utilities working with Monaco mesh tally (3DMAP) files


Convert a mesh tally into an ASCII text file.


Convert a mesh tally into a mesh source lite.



Convert a mesh tally into a mesh source. Convert a mesh tally file into a Silo file for VisIt.


Convert one dataset of one family in a mesh tally to VTK format.


Add several Monaco mesh tally files together into one mesh tally.


Average several Monaco mesh tally files into one mesh tally.


Binary operation of mesh tally files: sum, difference, product, and ratio.


Display the basics of a mesh tally file.


Expand a space-only mesh from a mesh tally with an energy function.


Perform various filters on a mesh tally file.


Invert all of the values in a mesh tally.


Keep only or remove specified voxels of a mesh tally based on geometry.


Find the location/value of the min or max of each real mesh in a mesh tally.


Multiply a mesh tally by a constant factor.


Pull values from certain voxels out of a mesh tally file.


Subdivide the mesh into smaller meshes for better visualization.


Apply a response function to one family of a mesh tally file.


Split off part of a mesh tally file into a separate mesh tally file.

mt2ascii - Convert a mesh tally into an ASCII text file.

Intended use: Since mesh tally files are in binary, the viewer can be used to list mesh values. To get the values from the entire file, this utility can be used to create an ASCII text version.

Input: The mesh tally file name and the filename for the resulting ASCII file

Output: An ASCII formatted file


"/optional/path/meshTallyFilename.3dmap"  ! the mesh tally
"/optional/path/outputFilename.txt"       ! output file name

mt2msl - Convert a mesh tally into a mesh source lite.

Intended use: Convert a fissionSource.3dmap mesh tally computed by KENO into a meshSoureLite (*.msl) file that can be used by a subsequent KENO run using starting source type nst=9.

Input: Name of mesh tally (*.3dmap) file

Output: A mesh source lite (*.msl) file


"input.3dmap"    ! mesh file (*.3dmap) name
1                ! family
14               ! group, or 0 for family total
"result.msl"     ! mesh source lite (*.msl) file name

mt2msm - Convert a mesh tally into a mesh source.

Intended use: Turn a tally of fission rate data into a mesh source file. Mesh tallies are stored in a generic *.3dmap format, which consist of several families, each with one or more datasets. A typical mesh tally (without the “noGroupFluxes” keyword) contains three families: the neutron fluxes with each energy group as a dataset, the photon fluxes with each energy group as a data set, and the responses with each response as a dataset. This program uses the spatial information of the mesh tally and combines a user-given energy distribution for all voxels. A second way to use this program is to use a whole family (all the energy groups) without a user-given energy distribution.


Line 1: filename of mesh tally
Line 2: which family of tally
Line 3: which dataset of that family (or 0 for sum of family)
Line 4: source type: 1-neutron, 2-photon
Line 5: number of bins for mesh source
Lines : energy (eV) and pdf values
Lines : energy (eV) and pdf values

… …

Lines : energy (eV) and pdf values
Line : energy (eV)
Line last: desired output name


Line 1: filename of mesh tally
Line 2: which family of tally
Line 3: -1 (meaning use the whole family)
Line 4: source type: 1-neutron, 2-photon
Line 5: desired output name

Output: The resulting mesh source stored with the desired filename


Statistics of mesh tally are discarded.


   cp ${RTNDIR}/barrel1.mt1.3dmap .

"barrel1.mt1.3dmap"    ! mesh tally
3                      ! mesh tally family (1-n, 2-p, 3-responses)
1                      ! real mesh in that family (0 means total of family)
1                      ! mesh source particle type  1-neutron, 2-photon
143                    ! number of bins in binned histogram distribution
1.9640E+07 1.29403E-08 ! E_1  pdf_1
1.7332E+07 4.60970E-07 ! E_2  pdf_2
1.6905E+07 2.56619E-06 ! E_3  pdf_3
   ...        ...
1.2341E+03 5.28408E-06 ! E_142  pdf_142
9.6112E+02 1.77756E-06 ! E_143  pdf_143
7.4852E+02             ! E_144
"barrel.fission.msm"   ! output filename

   cp barrel.fission.msm ${RTNDIR}


1                       ! neutron flux (for KENO 3dmap files there is only one family)
-1                      ! use the whole family (keep all the energy groups)
1                       ! particle type (neutron)

In SCALE 6.1, the fission source distribution mesh tally produced by KENO contained data representing the number of fissions in each mesh cell in each energy group.

In SCALE 6.2, the data stored was changed to be the fissions per unit volume–the fission density. This is more consistent with other mesh tallies from Monaco which store flux or dose rates that represent averages over the mesh cells. This change also allows the MeshFileViewer to display the KENO fission source distribution better. The mt2msm utility program also changed from SCALE 6.1 to SCALE 6.2 to account for the change in what is stored in the KENO mesh tally file. Therefore, KENO-produced fission source mesh tallies and the mt2msm utility should not be mixed-and-matched across versions of SCALE. Doing so would result in the final Monaco mesh source file being improperly normalized, which would not properly represent the KENO fission source distribution and would give incorrect results in subsequent MAVRIC calculations. Because there is not a specific ‘version flag’ in a mesh tally file or mesh source map file, the user must ensure that they have used the same version of SCALE for both the CSAS6 and MAVRIC sequences any time the CAAS capability is used.

mt2silo - Convert a mesh tally file into a Silo file for VisIt.

Input: Name of mesh file (*.3dmap), name of a Silo file, and a format

Output: A new Silo file


For format, use either 2 (PDB) or 7 (HDF5).


"perfect.3dmap"        ! the existing mesh tally
"perfect.silo"         ! the new silo file
7                      ! format - HDF5

mt2vtk - Convert one dataset of one family in a mesh tally to VTK format.

Intended use: This is a way to transfer Monaco mesh tally data into a common format that can be used by many data visualization packages, including VisIt. Mesh tallies are stored in a generic *.3dmap format, which consist of several families, each with one or more datasets. A typical mesh tally contains three families: the neutron fluxes with each energy group as a dataset, the photon fluxes with each energy group as a data set, and the responses with each response as a dataset. This program selects one dataset of one family and saves the data (and optionally the absolute uncertainties) in an ASCII file using a VTK file format.

Input: The mesh file name, which family, which dataset of that family, whether or not to include absolute uncertainties and the filename for the resulting VTK file

Output: An ASCII VTK-formatted file


"/optional/path/meshTallyFilename.3dmap"  ! the mesh tally
1                                         ! neutron flux family
5                                         ! energy group 5
true                                      ! include uncertainties
"/optional/path/outputFilename.vtk"       ! output file name


"/optional/path/meshTallyFilename.3dmap"  ! the mesh tally
3                                         ! the response family
1                                         ! first response
false                                     ! do not include uncertainties
"/optional/path/outputFilename.vtk"       ! output file name

mtAdder - Add several Monaco mesh tally files together into one mesh tally.

Intended use: Add mesh tally results from different sources into one tally. The resulting mesh tally is the sum of all the components in the several mesh tallies-fluxes are added and responses are added. For example, two runs of MAVRIC from two different sources can be made. The mesh tally results can then be added together, getting the total fluxes and total responses from each.

Input: The number of files, followed by the list of mesh tally filenames to add, then the name of the total mesh tally


Output: A new mesh tally file


All of the mesh tally files must be the same size and shape (number of families, x cells, y cells, z cells, and energy groups in each family) and have the same number of responses. Responses (if any) must be consistent to calculate meaningful results.



mtAverager - Average several Monaco mesh tally files into one mesh tally.

Intended use: Combine (average) separate runs of the same problem with different random number seeds into one tally. For example, if a user does 10 separate runs of the same problem (poor man’s parallel) and wants to combine the results as if they were from one run, an average is needed. The average and uncertainties are weighted by the number of histories in each run, to maintain proper statistics.

Input: The number of files, each filename and how many histories, then the name of the total mesh tally

"filename_1"   histories_1
"filename_2"   histories_2
...           ...
"filename_n"   histories_n

Output: A new mesh tally file


All of the mesh tally files must be the same size and shape (number of families, x cells, y cells, z cells, and energy groups in each family) and have the same number of responses. Responses (if any) must be consistent to calculate meaningful results.


"meshFilename_1.3dmap"   800000
"meshFilename_2.3dmap"   900000
"meshFilename_3.3dmap"   800000

mtBinOp - Binary operation of mesh tally files: sum, difference, product, and ratio.

Intended use: Apply simple math to the results stored in mesh tally files

Input: The first mesh tally, the operator: add (or sum, +), subtract (or difference, -), multiply (or product, x, *) and divide (or ratio, \(\div\),” /”), the second mesh tally name and then name of the resulting mesh tally file.

Output: A new mesh tally file


Uncertainties are propagated assuming the two mesh tallies are uncorrelated, which may not always be a good assumption. Mesh tallies must have the same grid structure and number of families and groups. Dataset names in the results are inherited from the first mesh tally and may not make sense after the operation. When using the / (slash) for division, enclose it in quotes (“/”).

"neutron.3dmap"     ! first operand
divide              ! operation
"total.3dmap"       ! second operand
"ratio.3dmap"       ! output file name

mtDisp - Display the basics of a mesh tally file.

Input: A mesh tally (*.3dmap) file

Output: Some of the basic details of mesh file


"simulation.mt2.dff"    ! existing mesh file

mtExpand - Expand a space-only mesh from a mesh tally with an energy function

Input: A mesh tally (*.3dmap) file and some parameters

Output: A mesh file similar to a mesh source but with uncertainty


2 1  ! response family, first response - cobalt activate rate
true ! multiply by voxel volumes
2    ! make photon source
19   ! groups
2.00E+07 0
1.00E+07 0
8.00E+06 0
6.50E+06 0
5.00E+06 0
4.00E+06 0
3.00E+06 0
2.50E+06 0
2.00E+06 0
1.66E+06 0.5
1.33E+06 1.5
1.00E+06 0
8.00E+05 0
6.00E+05 0
4.00E+05 0
3.00E+05 0
2.00E+05 0
1.00E+05 0
4.50E+04 0

mtFilter - Perform various filters on a mesh tally file.

Input: A *.3dmap mesh tally file and a group-wise response function

Output: A *.3dmap mesh tally file


Three basics types of filters: (0) flattening filter, (1) high-pass filter, (2) low-pass filter. For types 1 and 2, the values plus a given number of standard deviations will be compared to the criteria. The input list depends on filter type. Types 1 and 2 require a value and a number of standard deviations (n_sigma). A flattening filter turns any positive value into the value of “1.0”.

Filtering performed based on following comparisons;

value + n_sigmas*abs_unc > minValue (high-pass)


value + n_sigmas*abs_unc < maxValue (low-pass)

The number of sigmas can be positive or negative.


"doseRates.3dmap"     ! existing mesh tally file
1                     ! high-pass filter:
0.150                 !    keep dose rates above 0.150
-3.0                  ! add -3.0 standard deviations to values before comparing
"above.3dmap"         ! new mesh tally file

"above.3dmap"         ! existing mesh tally file
0                     ! flattening filter
"boolean.3dmap"       ! new mesh tally file

mtInv - Invert all of the values in a mesh tally.

Intended use: Invert non-zero values in a mesh tally to be used in further processing.

Input: The original mesh tally, the name of the resulting mesh tally file

Output: A new mesh tally file


Uncertainties are propagated (the relative uncertainty of the reciprocal of a value is the same as the relative uncertainty of the value).


'someTally.3dmap'      ! existing mesh tally file
'inverted.3dmap'       ! new mesh tally file

mtMask - Keep only or remove specified voxels of a mesh tally based on geometry.

Intended use: Only keep or remove certain portions of a mesh tally based on the unit, media, or mixture at the center of the voxel.

Input: A mesh tally file, an action (keeponly or remove), an operation (intersection or union) of the unit=u, media=r and mixture=m, a replacement value for voxels not kept and the file name of the resulting mesh tally file. User can specify things such as 1) keep only the voxels that have unit=2 and mixture=5, 2) keep only the voxels that have media=3 or mixture=4, 3) remove voxels that have unit=2 and mixture=5, 4) remove voxels that have media=3 or mixture=4. To not include the unit, media, or mixture in the specification, use a value of -1.

Output: A new mesh tally file.


When processing a file before finding the maximum, make the replacement value something very low. If mtMask is being used before finding the minimum, then set the replacement value high. Media is the SGGP media number within the unit.

"theTally.3dmap"       ! existing mesh tally file
keeponly               ! use 'keeponly' or 'remove'
intersection           ! use 'intersection' or 'union'
2 -1 5                 ! unit=2 AND mixture=5
0.0                    ! replacement value for voxels not kept
'new.3dmap'            ! new mesh tally file

"theTally.3dmap"       ! existing mesh tally file
remove                 ! use 'keeponly' or 'remove'
union                  ! use 'intersection' or 'union'
-1 3 4                 ! media=3 OR mixture=4
0.0                    ! replacement value for voxels removed
'new.3dmap'            ! new mesh tally file

mtMinMax - Find the location/value of the min or max of each real mesh in a mesh tally.

Intended use: Determine the minimum or maximum values in a mesh tally.

Input: The mesh tally, what to find (minimums or maximums), how many mins/maxs for each real mesh in the mesh tally, and the name of the text output file to store the results

Output: A text output containing the values and locations of the minimums or maximums of each real mesh in a tally file


The same information is also in the main SCALE output file.


'bigOleMeshTally.3dmap'   ! existing mesh tally file
maximum                   ! find either minimums or maximums
5                         ! list top 5 maximum values in each real mesh
'theList.txt'             ! file name to store all of the results

mtMultiply - Multiply a mesh tally by a constant factor.

Intended use: Multiply every group of every family in a mesh tally for either a change in source strength or a change in units.

Input: The original mesh tally, the multiplier, and the name of the resulting mesh tally file

Output: A new mesh tally file


"simulation.mt1.3dmap"       ! the mesh tally
25.0                         ! source strength increase of 25
"simulation.bigger.3dmap"    ! output file name

mtPull - Pull values from certain voxels out of a mesh tally file.

Intended use: Get energy-dependent fluxes for certain locations from a mesh file.

Input: A mesh file (*.3dmap) file and a list of positions and/or voxels

Output: Listing of energy-dependent fluxes from each desired location to an ASCII text file


Can pull fluxes either by a physical coordinate position or by voxel indices. Positions should be entered as a set of x, y, z for a Cartesian coordinate system and r, \(\theta\), z for a cylindrical coordinate system.


"duh.mt2.3dmap"    ! existing mesh file
n                  ! number of x,y,z points to pull
x_1 y_1 z_1        ! coordinates of point 1
x_1 y_2 z_2        ! coordinates of point 2
x_n y_n z_n        ! coordinates of point n
m                  ! number of i,j,k voxels to pull
i_1 j_1 k_1        ! indices of voxel 1
i_2 j_2 k_2        ! indices of voxel 2
i_m j_m k_m        ! indices of voxel m
"outputName.txt"   ! name of output text file

mtRefine - Subdivide the mesh into smaller meshes.

Input: A *.3dmap mesh tally file with geometry mesh size (I,J,K) and three integers describing how many subdivisions of each voxel to create in each dimension

Output: A *.3dmap mesh tally file with geometry mesh size (I*nx,J*ny,K*nz)


"fluxes.3dmap"        ! existing *.3dmap mesh tally file (I,J,K)
nx ny nz              ! how to subdivide each
"refined.3dmap"       ! new (largerer) *.3dmap mesh tally file (I*nx,J*ny,K*nz)

mtResp - Apply a response function to one family of a mesh tally file.

Intended use: Compute group-wise dose or reaction rates by combining a response function with the scalar fluxes.

Input: A *.3dmap mesh tally file and a group-wise response function

Output: A *.3dmap mesh tally file containing one family


"fluxes.3dmap"        ! existing *.3dmap mesh tally file
200                   ! number of bins in response
1                     ! which family
2.2675480E-04         ! response group 1
2.2283355E-04         ! response group 2
2.1878259E-04         ! response group 3
3.6748440E-06         ! response group nbins-2
3.6748443E-06         ! response group nbins-1
3.6748436E-06         ! response group nbins
"doseByGroup.3dmap"   ! new (smaller) *.3dmap mesh tally file

mtSplit - Split off part of a mesh tally file into a separate mesh tally file.

Intended use: Some mesh tallies may become so large that the MeshFileViewer cannot load the entire file to view. This utility allows users to split off one family or just one group of one family into a separate mesh tally file.

Input: The original mesh tally, which family (neutron, photon, or responses), and which dataset (usually a group). Instead of a dataset, users may specify 0 to get the total of a family or -1 to get all datasets for that family. The name of the resulting mesh tally also needs to be given.

Output: A new, smaller, mesh tally file


"mavricUtilities3.mt1.3dmap"       ! the mesh tally
1                                  ! the family of neutron fluxes
5                                  ! fifth neutron flux group
"mavricUtilities3.nfluxg5.3dmap"   ! output file name

4.3.3. Utilities for working with DENOVO binary flux (*.dff) files

These utilities include the following:


Convert a Denovo flux file into a Denovo spatial output file.


Convert a Denovo flux file into a mesh angular information file.


Invert a Denovo flux file and store as a mesh importance map.


Convert a Denovo flux file into a mesh source lite.


Binary operation of Denovo flux files: sum, difference, product, and ratio.


Display the basics of a Denovo flux file.


Expand a space-only Denovo flux file by an energy function.


Perform various filters on a Denovo flux file.


Fix the zero and negative values in a Denovo flux file.


Integrate a single particle type from a Denovo flux file.


Invert the values in a Denovo flux file.


Multiply a Denovo flux file by a constant factor.


Pull fluxes from certain voxels out of a Denovo flux file.


Apply a response function to scalar fluxes in a Denovo flux file.


Split off a single particle type from a Denovo flux file.

dff2dso - Convert a Denovo flux file into a Denovo spatial output file.

Input: A binary (stream) Denovo flux file and which particle types to convert

Output: A binary (stream) Denovo Spatial Output file


For particle type, use 1 for neutron, 2 for photon, and 0 for all types.


"neatStuff.dff"       ! existing Denovo flux file
1                     ! keep only neutron information
"neatStuff.dso"       ! new Denovo spatial output file

dff2mai - Convert a Denovo flux file into a mesh angular information file.

Intended use: Take the optional net current information from a Denovo flux file and create the adjoint current unit vectors and lambda parameters required for directional CADIS. This is stored in a mesh angular information (*.mai) file.

Input: A binary (stream) denovoFluxFile

Output: A binary (stream) meshAngularInfoFile, a mesh angular information file


"mavricUtilities3.adjoint.dff"           ! new denovoFluxFile
"mavricUtilities3.mai"                   ! mesh angular info file

dff2mim - Invert a Denovo flux file and store as a mesh importance map.

Intended use: Make weight targets without a consistent biased mesh source.

Input: A Denovo flux (*.dff) file, a scalar constant, and the name of Monaco mesh importance map (*.mim) file.

Output: A Monaco mesh importance map (*.mim) file.


"adjoint.dff"    ! existing adjoint denovoFluxFile
3.0e-10          ! constant  targetWeight = constant/adjFlux
"test.mim"       ! new Monaco mesh importance map

dff2msl - Convert a Denovo flux file into a mesh source lite.

Intended use: Take Denovo fission source information stored in a *.dff file and convert it to a mesh source lite file (*.msl) to be used as a KENO starting source, nst=9.

Input: A Denovo flux (*.dff) file

Output: A mesh source lite (*.msl) file


"wishfulThinking.dff"    ! existing Denovo flux file
"startingSource.msl"     ! mesh source lite file

dffBinOp - Binary operation of Denovo flux files: sum, difference, product and ratio.

Intended use: Apply simple math to the results stored in Denovo flux files.

Input: The first flux file, the operator: add (or sum, +), subtract (or difference, -), multiply (or product, x, *), or divide (or ratio, ÷, “/”), the second flux file name, and the name of the resulting flux file

Output: A Denovo flux file


Flux files need to have the same grid structure and number of groups. When using the / (slash) for division, enclose it in quotes (“/”).


"neutron.dff"     ! first operand
divide            ! operation
"total.dff"       ! second operand
"ratio.dff"       ! output file name

dffDisp - Display the basics of a Denovo flux file.

Input: A Denovo flux (*.dff) file

Output: Some of the basic details of the Denovo flux file


"fluxes.dff"          ! existing Denovo flux file

dffExpand - Expand a space-only Denovo flux file by an energy function.

Input: A Denovo flux (*.dff) file (with a single group - a space-only function), one or more particle types, and an energy function for each

Output: A full space/energy Denovo flux file


"spatialFluxes.dff"       ! existing Denovo flux file (single group)
2                         ! number of particles
1                         ! particle type (1-neutron, 2-photon)
27                        ! number of bins in binned histogram distribution
2.00000E+07 3.0658021E-09 ! E_1  amount_1
6.37630E+06 6.9767163E-09 ! E_2  amount_2
3.01190E+06 1.1495182E-08 ! E_3  amount_3
   ...        ...
3.00000E-02 1.7127996E-04 ! E_26  amount_26
1.00000E-02 3.0910611E-04 ! E_27  amount_27
1.00000E-05               ! E_28
2                         ! particle type (1-neutron, 2-photon)
19                        ! number of bins in binned histogram distribution
2.00E+07 0.0              ! E_1  amount_1
1.00E+07 0.0              ! E_2  amount_2
8.00E+06 0.0              ! E_3  amount_3
   ...        ...
1.00E+05 0.0              ! E_17  amount_17
4.50E+04 0.0              ! E_18  amount_18
1.00E+04                  ! E_19
"expanded.dff"            ! new Denovo flux file

dffFilter - Perform various filters on a Denovo flux file.

Intended use: Keep fluxes in a *.dff file where the flux or response meets a specified criterion.

Input: A Denovo flux file name, filter type, filter options, the output file name

Output: A Denovo flux file


There are three basics types of filters: (0) flattening filter, (1) high-pass filter, (2) low-pass filter. For types 1 and 2, the criteria could be a computed response. The input list changes depending on the filter type and whether a response function is included. For no response function, use 0 for the number of groups. A flattening filter turns any positive value into a value of “1.0”.


"some.dff"               ! input Denovo flux filename
0                        ! filter type
"flattened.dff"          ! output Denovo flux filename

"some.dff"               ! input Denovo flux filename
2                        ! filter type
10.0                     ! maximum value
0                        ! number of groups for response function
"simpleFiltered.dff"     ! output Denovo flux filename

"some.dff"               ! input Denovo flux filename
1                        ! filter type
10.0                     ! minimum value
19                       ! number of groups for response function
1.1620022E-05            !   should match total groups in file
"respFiltered.dff"       ! output Denovo flux filename

dffFix - Fix the zero and negative values in a Denovo flux file.

Intended use: Replace zero or negative values with nearest good neighboring value. Checks previous group, previous x voxel, previous y voxel, then previous z voxel.

Input: A Denovo flux file

Output: A new Denovo flux file


"original.dff"    ! existing Denovo flux file
"repaired.dff"    ! new Denovo flux file

dffInt - Integrate a single particle type from a Denovo flux file.

Input: A Denovo flux file, which particle type to integrate (1-neutron, 2-photon), and the filename of the resulting integrated file

Output: A single-group Denovo flux file


"coupled.dff"       ! existing Denovo flux file
2                   ! particle type
"photonTotal.dff"   ! new Denovo flux file (single group)

dffInv - Invert the values in a Denovo flux file.

Input: A Denovo flux file

Output: A Denovo flux file


Only non-zero values are inverted.


"fluxes.dff"        ! existing Denovo flux file
"inverted.dff"      ! new Denovo flux file

dffMult - Multiply a Denovo flux file by a constant factor.

Intended use: source strength change, change in units, etc.

Input: A Denovo flux file and a constant factor

Output: A Denovo flux file


"fluxes.dff"        ! existing Denovo flux file
10000.0             ! change units from (/cm^2/s) to (/m^2/s)
"multiplied.dff"    ! new Denovo flux file

dffPull - Pull fluxes from certain voxels out of a Denovo flux file.

Intended use: Get energy-dependent fluxes for certain locations from a flux file.

Input: A Denovo flux file and a list of positions and/or voxels

Output: Listing of energy-dependent fluxes from each desired location to an ASCII text file


Can pull fluxes either by a physical coordinate position or by voxel indices.


"fluxes.dff"       ! file with the scalar fluxes you want
n                  ! number of x,y,z points to pull
x_1 y_1 z_1        ! coordinates of point 1
x_1 y_2 z_2        ! coordinates of point 2
x_n y_n z_n        ! coordinates of point n
m                  ! number of i,j,k voxels to pull
i_1 j_1 k_1        ! indices of voxel 1
i_2 j_2 k_2        ! indices of voxel 2
i_m j_m k_m        ! indices of voxel m
"outputName.txt"   ! name of output text file

dffResp - Apply a response function to scalar fluxes in a Denovo flux file.

Intended use: Compute group-wise dose or reaction rates by combining a response function with the scalar fluxes. This can be done for every particle type in the flux file or a single specific particle type.

Input: A Denovo flux file, particle indicator and a group-wise response function

Output: A Denovo flux file


0-all particles, 1-neutron, 2-photon.


"fluxes.dff"          ! existing coupled Denovo flux file
1                     ! keep only neutron information
200                   ! number of bins in response
2.2675480E-04         ! response group 1
2.2283355E-04         ! response group 2
2.1878259E-04         ! response group 3
3.6748440E-06         ! response group nbins-2
3.6748443E-06         ! response group nbins-1
3.6748436E-06         ! response group nbins
"doses.dff"           ! new (smaller) Denovo flux fle


"fluxes.dff"          ! existing Denovo flux file
0                     ! keep all particles information
46                    ! number of bins in response
1.6151395E-04         ! response group 1, first neutron
1.4451494E-04         ! response group 2
1.2703618E-04         ! response group 3
3.6748447E-06         ! response group 27, last neutron
1.1620022E-05         ! response group 28, first photon
8.7445696E-06         ! response group 29
7.4596655E-06         ! response group 30
5.9327226E-07         ! response group 46, last photon
"doses.dff"           ! new Denovo flux file

dffSplit - Split off a single particle type from a Denovo flux file.

Intended use: Make a flux file containing a single particle type from another Denovo flux file.

Input: A Denovo flux file and a particle type

Output: A (smaller) Denovo flux file


1-neutron, 2-photon.


"coupled.dff"     ! existing Denovo flux file
2                 ! particle type
"photons.dff"     ! new (smaller) Denovo flux file

4.3.4. Utilities for working with DENOVO *.varscl (a TORT format) files

These utilities include the following:


Convert a varscl file into a Denovo flux file.


Add two TORT *.varscl files together into one *.varscl file.


Binary operation of TORT *.varscl files: sum, difference, product and ratio.


Display the basic contents of a TORT *.varscl file.


Perform various filters on a TORT *.varscl file.


Integrate a single particle type from a TORT *.varscl file.


Invert the values in a TORT *.varscl file.


Multiply a TORT *.varscl file by a constant factor.


Pull fluxes from certain voxels out of a TORT *.varscl file.


Regroup a TORT *.varscl file.


Apply a response function to scalar fluxes in a TORT *.varscl file.


Split off part of a TORT *.varscl file into a separate *.varscl file.

These utilities work with the *.varscl files produced with SCALE 6 and SCALE 6.1. The *.varscl format (a TORT format) is a single precision, binary format that has been replaced with the double precision, binary *.dff file (Denovo flux file) in SCALE 6.2. SCALE 6 and SCALE 6.1 users can request the executable binaries for these utilities by sending an email to scaleHelp@ornl.gov.

vs2dff - Convert a varscl file into a Denovo flux file.

Intended use: Convert a varscl file (used in previous versions of MAVRIC) into a Denovo flux file (introduced in SCALE 6.2).

Input: The *varscl file name, whether or not it is an adjoint flux, and the filename for the resulting denovoFluxfile

Output: A binary (stream) denovoFluxFile


"mavricUtilities3.adjoint.varscl"        ! the TORT varscl file
true                                     ! it is an adjoint flux
"mavricUtilities3.adjoint.dff"           ! new denovoFluxFile

vsAdder - Add two TORT *.varscl files together into one *.varscl file.

Intended use: Beta versions of MAVRIC used TORT and GRTUNC-3D and could add the *.varscl files from each together before using them to create importance maps. MAVRIC now uses Denovo and no longer needs to add separate GRTUNC/TORT files. This utility is designed for people wishing to use the older files with the latest MAVRIC.

Input: Two *.varscl file names, typically one from GRTUNC-3D and the other from TORT, the filename of the added file, whether you want lots of output displayed (“true” or “false”) and whether or not there is a minimum value of flux to use. If so, it is then listed.

Output: A single *.varscl with the specified name


Addition is commutative, but not all varscl files are created equal. Do not mix up the GRTUNCL and the TORT files. GRTUNCL3D does not fill in the header info quite right, so the added varscl file takes header info only from the TORT varscl file.



  cp total.varscl ${RTNDIR}/total.varscl

vsBinOp - Binary operation of TORT *.varscl files: sum, difference, product and ratio.

Intended use: Apply simple math to the results stored in TORT *.varscl files.

Input: The first flux file, the operator: add (or sum, +), subtract (or difference, -), multiply (or product, x, *), and divide (or ratio, ÷, “/”), the second flux file name, and the name of the resulting flux file

Output: A TORT *.varscl file


Flux files must have the same grid structure and number of groups. When using the / (slash) for division, enclose it in quotes (“/”).


"neutron.varscl"     ! first operand
false                ! are these adjoint files?
divide               ! operation
"total.varscl"       ! second operand
"ratio.varscl"       ! output file name

vsDisp - Display the basic contents of a TORT *.varscl file.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file name and adjoint flag

Output: Text display


"some.varscl"            ! input TORT *.varscl filename
false                    ! is this an adjoint varscl?

"some.varscl"            ! input TORT *.varscl filename
adjoint                  ! is this an adjoint varscl?

vsFilter - Perform various filters on a TORT *.varscl file.

Intended use: Keep fluxes in a *.varscl file where the flux or response meets a specified criterion.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file name, filter type, filter options, the output file name

Output: A TORT *.varscl file


There are three basics types of filters: (0) flattening filter, (1) high-pass filter, (2) low-pass filter. For types 1 and 2, the criteria could be a computed response. The input list changes depending on the filter type and whether a response function is included. For no response function, use 0 for the number of groups.


"some.varscl"            ! input TORT *.varscl filename
false                    ! is this an adjoint varscl?
0                        ! filter type
"flattened.varscl"       ! output TORT *.varscl filename

"some.varscl"            ! input TORT *.varscl filename
false                    ! is this an adjoint varscl?
2                        ! filter type
10.0                     ! maximum value
0                        ! number of groups for response function
"simpleFiltered.varscl"  ! output TORT *.varscl filename

"some.varscl"            ! input TORT *.varscl filename
false                    ! is this an adjoint varscl?
1                        ! filter type
10.0                     ! minimum value
19                       ! number of groups for response function
1.1620022E-05            !   should match total groups in file
"respFiltered.varscl"    ! output TORT *.varscl filename

vsInt - Integrate a single particle type from a TORT *.varscl file.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file

Output: A single-group TORT *.varscl file


"coupled.varscl"       ! existing TORT *.varscl file
false                  ! is this an adjoint file?
2                      ! particle type (0-all, 1-neutron, 2-photon)
"photonTotal.varscl"   ! new TORT *.varscl file (single group)

vsInv - Invert the values in a TORT *.varscl file.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file

Output: A TORT *.varscl file


Only non-zero values are inverted.


"fluxes.varscl"        ! existing TORT *.varscl file
false                  ! is this an adjoint file?
"inverted.varscl"      ! new TORT *.varscl file

vsMult - Multiply a TORT *.varscl file by a constant factor.

Intended use: source strength change, change in units, etc.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file and a constant factor

Output: A TORT *.varscl file


"fluxes.varscl"        ! existing TORT *.varscl file
false                  ! is this an adjoint file?
10000.0                ! change units from (/cm^2/s) to (/m^2/s)
"multiplied.varscl"    ! new TORT *.varscl file

vsPull - Pull fluxes from certain voxels out of a TORT *.varscl file.

Intended use: Get energy-dependent fluxes for certain locations from a flux file.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file and a list of positions and/or voxels

Output: Listing of energy-dependent fluxes from each desired location to an ASCII text file


Can pull fluxes either by a physical coordinate position or by voxel indices.


"fluxes.varscl"    ! file with the scalar fluxes you want
false              ! is this an adjoint file?
n                  ! number of x,y,z points to pull
x_1 y_1 z_1        ! coordinates of point 1
x_1 y_2 z_2        ! coordinates of point 2
x_n y_n z_n        ! coordinates of point n
m                  ! number of i,j,k voxels to pull
i_1 j_1 k_1        ! indices of voxel 1
i_2 j_2 k_2        ! indices of voxel 2
i_m j_m k_m        ! indices of voxel m
"outputName.txt"   ! name of output text file

vsReGrp - Regroup a TORT *.varscl file.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file and adjoint flag, then a list of how the new groups should be formed from the old groups

Output: A smaller TORT *.varscl file


"coupled.varscl"       ! existing TORT *.varscl file
false                  ! is this an adjoint file?
27                     ! number of neutron groups in file
1                      ! new group assignment for each
1                      !     existing neutron group
1                      !   must start with one
2                      !   each entry is same as last or
...                   !     increases by 1
8                      ! new group assignment for neutron group 27
19                     ! number of photon groups in file
1                      ! new group assignment for each
1                      !     existing photon group
1                      !   must start with one
2                      !   each entry is same as last or
...                   !     increases by 1
4                      ! new group assignment for photon group 19
"smaller.varscl"       ! new TORT *.varscl file name

vsResp - Apply a response function to scalar fluxes in a TORT *.varscl file.

Intended use: Compute group-wise dose or reaction rates by combining a response function with the scalar fluxes.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file and a group-wise response function

Output: A TORT *.varscl file


"fluxes.varscl"       ! existing coupled TORT *.varscl file
false                 ! is this an adjoint file?
200                   ! number of bins in response
2.2675480E-04         ! response group 1
2.2283355E-04         ! response group 2
2.1878259E-04         ! response group 3
3.6748440E-06         ! response group 198
3.6748443E-06         ! response group 199
3.6748436E-06         ! response group 200
"doses.varscl"        ! new (smaller) Denovo flux fle

vsSplit - Split off part of a TORT *.varscl file into a separate *.varscl file.

Intended use: Make a flux file containing a single particle type from another TORT *.varscl file.

Input: A TORT *.varscl file and a particle type

Output: A (smaller) TORT *.varscl file


"coupled.varscl"     ! existing TORT *.varscl file
false                ! is this an adjoint file?
2                    ! particle type (1-neutron, 2-photon)
"photons.varscl"     ! new (smaller) TORT *.varscl file

4.3.5. Miscellaneous utilities

These utilities include the following:


Convert a Denovo simple input (*.dsi) from binary to ASCII.


Display the basics of a Denovo simple input file.


Use a Denovo spatial output to create a mesh source lite.


Display the basics of a Denovo spatial output file.


Convert a mesh importance map into an MCNP weight window file.


Display the basics of a mesh importance map (*.mim) file.


Normalize a mesh importance map to a given location/energy.


Display the basics of a mesh source map (*.msm) file.

dsi2asc - Convert a Denovo simple input (*.dsi) from binary to ASCII.

Intended use: Check a Denovo input file for correctness.

Input: Names of original binary Denovo simple input (*.dsi) file and the desired ASCII text file

Output: Human-readable form of the Denovo input file


"input.dsi"    ! Denovo simple input file (binary)
"ascii.txt"    ! new ascii text file

dsiDisp - Display the basics of a Denovo simple input file.

Input: A Denovo simple input (*.dsi) file

Output: Some of the basic details of the Denovo simple input file


"godiva.dsi"          ! existing Denovo simple input file

dso2msl - Use a Denovo spatial output to create a mesh source lite.

Input: A *.dso file is made of three-dimensional data sets called fields. Which field to convert? 1-n: convert that field 0: convert sum of all fields

Output: A mesh source lite (*.msl) file for KENO-VI.


"fisSource.dso"  ! Denovo spatial output file with many fields
1                ! which field to use
"test.msl"       ! new Monaco mesh source lite

dsoDisp - Display the basics of a Denovo spatial output file.

Input: A Denovo spatial output (*.dsi) file

Output: Some of the basic details of the Denovo spatial output file


"godiva.dso"          ! existing Denovo spatial output file

mim2wwinp - Convert a mesh importance map into an MCNP weight window file.

Intended Use: To create an MCNP weight window file from a Monaco mesh importance map file outside of a MAVRIC calculation. Monaco mesh importance map files store target weights, but MCNP wwinp files store lower weight bounds. To convert, the user needs to supply the windowRatio, r (the ratio of the upper weight bound for splitting to the lower weight bound for roulette). Target weights, t, are the average of the upper, u, and lower, l, weight window bounds, so l=2t/(r+1). For example, for a Monaco target weight of 1.0 and a windowRatio of 10.0, the MCNP lower weight bound will be l=2(1.0)/(10.0+1)=0.1818. To reduce the size of the map, the user can specify which neutron and photon groups to store in the new file. If the last group is less than the first group, no groups of that particle will be stored.


Line 1: filename of the Monaco mesh importance map file
Line 2: windowRatio (>1.0)
Line 3: first_neutron_group last_neutron_group
Line 4: first_photon_group last_photon_group
Line 5: filename of the MCNP weight window input file

Output: The resulting weight window input file stored with the desired filename


Geometry information in the Monaco mesh importance map file is lost since the MCNP wwinp format does not support it.


"/scale/smplprbs/mavric.graphiteCADIS.mim"  ! importance map
19.0                                        ! window ratio
5 22                                        ! save n groups 5-22
19 1                                        ! save no p groups
"/scale/test9/testmimww.wwinp"              ! new file

mimDisp - Display the basics of a mesh importance map file.

Input: A mesh importance map (*.mim) file

Output: Some of the basic details of mesh importance map file


"the.mim"    ! existing mesh importance map file

mimNorm - Normalize a mesh importance map to a given location/energy.

Input: A mesh importance map (*.mim) file, a location (x, y, z), a particle type and energy, and a filename for the normalized map file. Use 1 for neutron and 2 for photon. Energy should be in eV. The new importance map file will be normalized such that the given location/energy has a target weight of 1. If a particle type or energy is 0, then the energy group with the minimum non-zero target value at the given location will be the group that is set to 1.0 in the new file. (This option is similar to the MCNP weight window generator.)

Output: A mesh importance map file


"the.mim"       ! existing mesh importance map file
27.5 -16.5 32.0 ! location
1 1.0e6         ! neutron, 1 MeV
"normed.mim"    ! new file that is normalized

msmDisp - Display the basics of a mesh source map file.

Input: A mesh source map (*.msm) file

Output: Some of the basic details of mesh source map file


"the.msm"    ! existing mesh source map file