XSDRN Model Block Description
The model data block for T-XSDRN and T-DEPL-1D calculations allows specification of the 1D geometry model and various control parameters used in the transport solution. The XSDRN MODEL block input is arranged in blocks of data that are similar to the NEWT MODEL block input described in Sect. 9.2. The XSDRN model input starts with an optional 80-character title, followed by a PARAMETER block, and then the following three data blocks in any order: the GEOMETRY data block, the MATERIAL data block, and the optional COLLAPSE data block. If the PARAMETER, GEOMETRY, and MATERIAL data block are not specified, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated. Sample input files for T-XSDRN and T-DEPL-1D calculations are provided in TRITON sample problems 2 and 3, respectively. XSDRN PARAMETER block
PARAMETER Block keyword = parm, para, parameter, or parameters
Valid PARAMETER block specifications are described below. For each keyword, allowable values are listed in parentheses, and the default is listed in brackets. Input that can take an arbitrary integer value is indicated by an IN; similarly, any parameter that can take an arbitrary real/floating point value is indicated by RN as the allowable value. SCALE read routines allow the input of integers for real numbers, and vice versa, and the number will be converted accordingly. The order of the parameters within the block is arbitrary and may be skipped if a default value is desired for that parameter. If a parameter is listed multiple times, the final specified value is used.
bf=(RN) - Buckling factor, equal to twice the extrapolation distance multiplier used to determine the zero point of the asymptotic flux. [1.420892]
collapse=(yes/no) - If collapse=yes is specified, a flux-weighted collapse is performed by material number; cross sections for each nuclide in each material in the problem are collapsed to a specified (or default) group structure based on the average flux in that material. If collapse=yes, TRITON will look for the COLLAPSE block; if not found, TRITON will generate cross sections based on the original group structure. [no]
deltay=(RN) - The first transverse dimension in centimeters used in a buckling correction to calculate
leakage normal to the principal calculation direction (i.e., the height of a slab or a cylinder).
deltaz=(RN) - The second transverse dimension in centimeters used in a buckling correction (i.e., the width of a slab).
difftreatment=(mg_1d_sigtr/mg_0d_diff/mg_0d_sigtr/1g_0d_sigtr) - Diffusion treatment option for transverse leakage corrections. The mg_1d_sigtr option uses zone-dependent transport cross-sections for the transverse leakage correction. The mg_0d_diff option uses flux-volume-weighted homogenized diffusion coefficients. The mg_0d_sigtr option uses flux-volume weighted homogenized transport cross-sections. The 1g_0d_sigtr option uses a one-group homogenized transport cross-section. [1g_0d_sigtr]
epsglobal=(RN) - Overall problem convergence criteria. [1.0e-6]
epsouter=(RN) - Scalar flux convergence criteria. [1.0e-6]
inners=(IN) - Maximum number of inner iterations in an energy group. [20]
outers=(IN) - Maximum number of outer iterations. [100]
prtflux=(yes/no) - Flag indicating whether or not scalar flux values are should be printed in problem output. [no]
prtangflux=(yes/no) - Flag indicating whether or not angular flux values should be printed in problem output. [no]
prtbalnc=(yes/no) - Flag indicating whether or not fine-group material balance tables should be printed in problem output. [no]
prtmxsec=(yes/no/1d) - Flag indicating whether or not material macroscopic cross sections should be printed in problem output. The 1D option indicates that 2D scattering tables are not to be printed. [no]
sn=(2/4/6/8/16/32) - Sn quadrature order for the transport calculations.
GEOMETRY Block keyword = geom, geometry
The GEOMETRY block is used to specify the geometry type (e.g., slab, cylinder, or sphere), the boundary conditions, the 1D material mesh (i.e., zone mesh), and the 1D spatial mesh used in the transport calculation. The order of the parameters entered in the GEOMETRY block is arbitrary and can be any of the following supported keyword specifications or keyword array specifications.
geom=(slab/cylinder/sphere) - Problem geometry. Keywords geometry=, ige=, and cyl for cylinder are also allowed. [slab]
leftbc=(vaccum/periodic/white/albedo/mirror) - Left-hand boundary condition. Keywords ibl=, vac for vacuum, refl for mirror, and reflected for mirror are also allowed. [mirror]
rightbc=(vaccum/periodic/white/albedo/mirror) - Right-hand boundary condition. Keywords ibr=, vac for vacuum, refl for mirror, and reflected for mirror are also allowed. [mirror]
left_albedo RN1 RN2 … RNN end left_albedo - The left-hand boundary albedo values as a function of energy group. The left_albedo array is ignored if leftbc= is vacuum, periodic, white, or mirror. If the left_albedo array is omitted and leftbc=albedo, white boundary conditions are used. If the number of entries in the left_albedo array does not equal the number of energy groups in the cross-section library, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated.
right_albedo RN1 RN2 … RNN end right_albedo - The right-hand boundary albedo values as a function of energy group. The right_albedo array is ignored if rightbc= is vacuum, periodic, white, or mirror. If the right_albedo array is omitted and rightbc=albedo, white boundary conditions are used. If the number of entries in the right_albedo array does not equal the number of energy groups in the cross-section library, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated.
zoneids IN1 IN2 … INN end zoneids - Material composition number by zone. The number of entries in the zoneids array defines the number of zones for the problem. If the zoneids array is not defined, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated.
zonedimensions RN1 RN2 … RNN end zonedimensions - The right-hand boundary for each zone is given in centimeters. Note that the left-hand boundary of the first zone is 0.0 and must not be entered. If the zonedimensions array is not defined or the number of entries does not equal the number of entries in the zoneids array, then an error message is printed and the problem is terminated.
zoneintervals IN1 IN2 … INN end zoneintervals - Number of spatial mesh of constant width per each problem zone. If specified, the number of entries of the zonedimensions array must equal the number of entries in the zoneids array. Otherwise, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated.
mesh RN1 RN2 … RNN end mesh - The right-hand boundary for each spatial mesh in centimeters. The spatial mesh is the discretization used in the transport calculation. Note that the left-hand boundary of the first spatial mesh is 0.0 and must not be entered. The zone boundaries in the zonedimensions array must be a subset of the spatial mesh boundaries in the mesh array. Otherwise, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated. The mesh array is optional and is not used if the zoneintervals array is specified. If neither the zoneintervals array nor the mesh array is specified, an error message is printed and the problem is terminated. XSDRN MATERIAL block
MATERIAL Block keyword = matl, mat, material, materials
The MATERIAL block is used to specify the material numbers for each material used in the calculation in the order of scattering cross section to be used for each material. The format of the MATERIAL block is identical to the NEWT MATERIAL block that is described in detail in (Sect. 9.2). Although source and description specifications are allowed, these options are not used by XSDRN. XSDRN COLLAPSE block
COLLAPSE Block keyword = collapse, coll
The COLLAPSE block is used to define the energy group collapsing operation to calculate broad group cross-section libraries using the XSDRN flux solution. The format of the COLLAPSE block is identical to the NEWT COLLAPSE block that is described in detail in Sect. 9.2. Data Structure for Cross Section Database File xfile016
When branch calculations are performed, TRITON archives collapsed homogenized cross sections in an unformatted, direct-access FORTRAN file called xfile016. The contents and format of this file are described in this appendix.
TRITON uses a library of SCALE subroutines to read and write blocks of data to direct-access FORTRAN files. The SCALE subroutine library allows the blocks of data to have variable length, even though direct-access FORTRAN files have a fixed record length. The data blocks can be retrieved from the file at random, provided the block length and block starting record position are known. The block length is expressed in terms of 4-byte words. For example, a block of 3-group macroscopic cross sections that contained the total, fission, capture, chi, and nubar cross sections would have a block length of 15 (3 \(\times\) 5), assuming that the cross sections are stored in single precision 4-byte format.
The xfile016 file supports 11 different block types. The first seven block types appear only once in the file, each block type occupying one of the first seven record positions. The remaining four block types, types 8-11, are repeated for each branch, at each depletion step, starting at the eighth record position.
Branch-specific blocks, i.e., block types 8-11, are written in the following order, for N branch calculations over M depletion steps:
First (t=0) transport calculation, branch 0 (reference state)
First (t=0) transport calculation, branch 1
First (t=0) transport calculation, branch 2
First (t=0) transport calculation, branch N
Second transport calculation, branch 0 (reference state)
Second transport calculation, branch 1
Second transport calculation, branch 2
Second transport calculation, branch N
(M + 1)th transport calculation, branch 0 (reference state)
(M + 1)th transport calculation, branch 1
(M + 1)th transport calculation, branch 2
(M + 1)th transport calculation, branch N
Note that (M + 1) \(\times\) (N + 1) sets are saved for M depletion steps and N branches. For each set, block types 8 and 9 are always written, whereas block types 10 and 11 are written only if pin data output was requested (nx \(\neq\) 0).
Block Type 1: block length data
Length: 13
Position: 1
Type: integer.
Data: datlen(13)
datlen(1) Length of block type 1 (this array), which is 13.
datlen(2) Number of blocks allocated for this file (1000). Currently not used.
datlen(3) Length of FORTRAN record for this file (512).
datlen(4) Length of block type 2: general dimensioning data.
datlen(5) Length of block type 3: depletion data.
datlen(6) Length of block type 4: branching data.
datlen(7) Length of block type 5: branching data for advanced branch block (not yet supported).
datlen(8) Length of block type 6: currently not used.
datlen(9) Length of block type 7: energy group boundaries.
datlen(10) Length of block type 8: cross sections and misc data.
datlen(11) Length of block type 9: corner discontinuity factors.
datlen(12) Length of block type 10: pin power factors.
datlen(13) Length of block type 11: groupwise form factors.
Block Type 2: general dimensioning data
Length: datlen(4)
Position: 2
Type: integer, unless specified otherwise
Data: brnchdepl, nobranch, nsets, igm, iftg, ndelay, nadf, ncdf, ipin, nxpin, nypin, ivers, adftype, branchflag
brnchdepl Number of depletion steps + 1.
nobranch Number of branches.
nsets Number of cross-section sets on library (typically 1).
igm Number of energy groups in collapsed cross sections.
iftg First thermal energy group (max upscatter group).
ndelay Number of delayed neutron precursor groups (6).
nadf Number of assembly discontinuity factors (ADFs).
ncdf Number of corner discontinuity factors (CDFs).
ipin Flag for pin data (0 = no pin data, 1 = pin data included).
nxpin Number of pins in x-direction (0 if ipin = 0).
nypin Number of pins in y-direction (0 if ipin = 0).
ivers Format version number. This appendix describes version 5 of the database structure.
adftype ADF type: (1= single-assembly, 2= reflector, 3= single-assembly on arbitrary grid lines).
branchflag (logical) TRUE for simple BRANCH block format, FALSE for advanced format.
Block Type 3: depletion data
Length: datlen(5)
Position: 3
Type: real
Data: burnup(brnchdepl), time(brnchdepl), power(brnchdepl), sysHMdens
burnup(brnchdepl) Burnup (GWd/MTHM) at each transport step.
time(brnchdepl) Cumulative cycle time (days) at each transport step.
power(brnchdepl) Specific power (MW/MTHM) at each transport step.
sysHMdens System heavy metal mass density (g/cm3).
Block Type 4: branching data
Length: datlen(6)
Position: 4
Type: integer, unless specified otherwise
Data: fuelused, modused, crused, fuelcount, modcount, crcount, crref, tfref, tmref, mdref, sbref, fuelmix(fuelcount), modmix(modcount), crinmix(crcount), croutmix(crcount), crstate(nobranch), tfuel(nobranch), tmod(nobranch), dmod(nobranch), sboron(nobranch)
fuelused (logical) TRUE if fuel mixtures were specified for branches.
modused (logical) TRUE if moderator mixtures were specified for branches.
crused (logical) TRUE if control rod mixtures were specified for branches.
fuelcount Number of mixtures in fuel definition.
modcount Number of mixtures in moderator definition.
crcount Number of mixture pairs in control rod definition.
crref Reference control rod state (0/1).
tfref (real) Reference fuel temperature (K).
tmref (real) Reference moderator temperature (K).
mdref (real) Referenced moderator density (g/cm3).
sbref (real) Reference soluble boron concentration (ppm).
fuelmix(fuelcount) Mixtures defined as fuel.
modmix(modcount) Mixtures defined as moderator.
crinmix(crcount) Mixtures defined for the control-rod in state.
croutmix(crcount) Mixtures defined for the control-rod out state.
crstate(nobranch) Control rod state (0=withdrawn/1=inserted) for each branch.
tfuel(nobranch) (real) Fuel temperature (K) for each branch.
tmod(nobranch) (real) Moderator temperature (K) for each branch.
dmod(nobranch) (real) Moderator density (g/cm3) for each branch.
sboron(nobranch) (real) Soluble boron concentration (ppm) for each branch.
Block Type 5: advanced branching data
Length: datlen(7)
Position: 5
Type: integer
Data: Stores data for advanced branch block (not yet supported)
Block Type 6: currently not used
Block Type 7: energy group boundary data
Length: datlen(9)
Position: 7
Type: real
Data: ebnds(igm+1)
ebnds(igm+1) Energy group boundaries
Blocks 1–7 are written only once. Blocks 8 and 9 (plus 10 and 11 if pin power data is output) are written for each branch case at each depletion step.
Block Type 8: cross-section data
Length: datlen(10)
Position: 8 + ( igm + 3 ) [ i * ( nobranch + 1 ) + j ] ) , i = 0,…, brnchdepl, j = 0,…, nobranch
Type: real
Data: {kinf(i), beta_eff(1:ndelay, i), lam_eff(1:ndelay, i) , y_i135(i), y_xe135(i), y_pm149(i), id(i), nden(i), aden(i), [sigt(i,j), siga(i,j), xemac(i,j), smmac(i,j), sigc(i,j), sigf(i,j), sign2n(i,j), sigtr(i,j), nusigf(i,j), kappaf(i,j), nu(i,j), chi(i,j), diffcoef(i,j), flux(i,j), sigselas(i,j), sig_xe(i,j), sig_sm (i,j), detfis(i,j), detflx(i,j), invvel(i,j), sigtr2(i,j), sigtr(i,j), [(adf(i,j,k), k=1,nadf),(0,k=nadf+1,12), (current(i,j,k), k=1,nadf),(0,k=nadf+1,12) ], (sigs(i,j,k), k=1,igm), j=1,igm], i=1,nsets}
Data is saved for i = 1,nsets (number of homogenized regions):
kinf(i) k-infinity
beta_eff(1:ndelay,i) Approximate delayed neutron fractions.
lam_eff(1:ndelay,i) Approximate delayed neutron decay constants (sec-1).
y_i135(i) Fission product yield for 135I.
y_xe135(i) Fission product yield for 135Xe.
y_pm149(i) Fission product yield for 149Pm.
Data is saved for j = 1, igm (number of energy groups):
sigt(i,j) Total cross section (cm-1).
siga(i,j) Effective absorption cross section (cm-1).
xemac(i,j) Macroscopic 135Xe cross section (cm-1)
smmac(i,j) Macroscopic 149Sm cross section (cm-1).
sigc(i,j) Capture cross section (cm-1).
sigf(i,j) Fission cross section (cm-1).
sign2n(i,j) Effective n2n cross section (cm-1).
sigtr(i,j) Transport cross section (cm-1), determined by outscatter approximation.
nusigf(i,j) Average total number of neutrons/fission \(\times\) fission cross section (cm-1).
kappaf(i,j) Energy released per capture \(\times\) capture cross section + Energy released per fission \(\times\) fission cross section (J/cm).
nu(i,j) Average total number of neutrons released per fission (delayed + prompt).
chi(i,j) Fission spectrum (delayed + prompt).
diffcoef(i,j) Diffusion coefficient (cm), 1 / ( 3 \(\times\) sigtr(i,j) ).
flux(i,j) Average flux (n/cm2-sec).
sigselas(i,j) Total elastic scattering cross section (cm-1).
sig_xe(i,j) Microscopic cross section for 135Xe (barns).
sig_sm (i,j) Microscopic cross section for 149Sm (barns).
detfis(i,j) Microscopic 235U cross section at detector location (barns).
detflx(i,j) Average flux in detector mixture (n/cm2-sec).
invvel(i,j) Inverse neutron velocity (sec/cm).
sigtr2(i,j) Transport cross section (cm-1), determined by inscatter approximation.
sigtr(i,j) Transport cross section (cm-1), determined by outscatter approximation.
adf(1:nadf,i,j) Assembly discontinuity factors for up to 12 faces.
current(1:nadf,i,j) Net current for up to 12 faces (n/cm2-sec), adftype = 3 only.
sigs(i,j,k), k=1,igm Macroscopic scattering cross section, j k (cm-1).
End of data saved for j = 1, igm
End of data saved for i = 1,nsets
Block Type 9: corner discontinuity factors
Length: datlen(11)
Position: 9 + ( igm + 3 ) [ i * ( nobranch + 1 ) + j ] ) , i = 0,…, brnchdepl, j = 0,…, nobranch
Type: real
Data: (( cdf(i,j), i=1,ncdf), j=1,igm)
Data is saved for i = 1,ncdf (number of “corner” discontinuity factors):
Data is saved for j = 1, igm (number of energy groups):
cdf(i,j) Corner discontinuity factors
End of data saved for j = 1, igm
End of data saved for i = 1,ncdf
Block Type 10: pin power peaking factors
Length: datlen(12)
Position: 10 + ( igm + 3 ) [ i * ( nobranch + 1 ) + j ] ) , i = 0,…, brnchdepl, j = 0,…, nobranch
Type: double precision
Data: (( ppf(i,j), i=1,nx), j=1,ny)
Data is saved for j = 1, ny (number of pins in y direction):
Data is saved for i = 1,nx (number of pins in x direction):
ppf(i,j) Pin power (peaking) factors
End of data saved for i = 1, nx
End of data saved for j = 1, ny
Block Type 11: group form factors
Length: datlen(13)
Position: 10 + k + ( igm + 3 ) [ i * ( nobranch + 1 ) + j ] ) ,
k = 1,…, igm, i = 0,…, brnchdepl, j = 0,…, nobranch
Type: double precision
Data: (( gff(i,j), i=1,nx), j=1,ny)
Data is saved for j = 1,ny (number of pins in y direction):
Data is saved for j = 1, nx (number of pins in x direction):
gff(i,j,k) Groupwise form factors
End of data saved for i = 1, nx
End of data saved for j = 1, ny
NOTE: Block Type 11 is repeated igm times where igm is the number of energy groups.
It is recommended that code written to process xfile016 include the
SCALE subroutine library. Although possible to link in the appropriate
files in the scalelib object library in SCALE, it may be more practical
to copy the appropriate SCALE routines into a new FORTRAN code used in
reading xfile016. All direct-access operations needed to operate on
this file are contained in the file direct_access_M.f90 in the scale
src/scalelib directory. This file has dependencies and requires the
following additional subroutines, all in the src/scalelib
directory, in
order to compile:
The single C routine can be eliminated by eliminating the call to f_exit in subroutine stop of Error_function.f90, e.g., change
if ( stopcode == 0 ) return
write(npr,'(1x,a,i10)') 'stop code ',stopcode
call f_exit(npr)
end subroutine stop
if ( stopcode == 0 ) return
write(npr,'(1x,a,i10)') 'stop code ',stopcode
end subroutine stop
Alternatively, one can utilize the module listed on the following pages, developed by Mr. Benjamin Collins of the University of Michigan, which includes all necessary coding wrapped into a single Fortran module. Although developed from SCALE 5.1 routines, the format of SCALE direct access does not change and this source should remain compatible with later versions of SCALE.
module direct_access
! Module taken from SCALE 5.1 source code and modified to eliminate
! dependencies to other scale modules
! Ben Collins, Doctoral Candidate, University of Michigan
implicit none
integer,private:: nblks(number_of_units),lblks(number_of_units),char_word(number_of_units)
integer,private :: record_length
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(14)
integer,public :: next(3), nexsav(3), nda
character(len=1) :: separator='/'
! ***change separator character to backslash ('\') for Windows***
! character(len=1) :: separator='\'
public :: openda, xtenda, closda, inquir
public :: reed
! set chpwrd to 1 now so that everything is specified in characters rather than
! in words when reading or writing character arrays
integer,public,parameter:: chpwrd=1
interface reed
module procedure real_reed, integer_reed, dp_reed
end interface
subroutine openda ( nblk,lblk,type,nrr,nunit,optional_name )
integer :: nblk,lblk,nrr,nunit
real,dimension(lblk) :: a
character(len=1) :: type
character(len=*),optional :: optional_name
character(len=16) :: filnam
character(len=512) :: dsname
character(10) :: action
logical :: lopen
integer :: i, record_length
if ( nunit <= 0 .or. nunit >= 100 ) then
stop 'da error - invalid unit number: program will terminate.'
if ( lopen ) then
stop 'da error - unit already open: program will terminate.'
end if
end if
inquire(iolength=record_length) a
write(filnam,'(a,i3.3,a8)') 'xfile',nunit,' '
if ( present(optional_name) ) filnam = optional_name
if ( type == 'o' .or. type == 'w' ) then
call fulnam(filnam,dsname)
select case (type)
action = 'read'
action = 'readwrite'
end select
open(unit=nunit,access='direct',status='old',action=action, &
nblks(nunit) = 999999
lblks(nunit) = lblk
if (.not.lopen) then
stop 'da error - unable to open unit: program will terminate.'
end if
nblks(nunit) = nblk
lblks(nunit) = lblk
open(unit=nunit,access='direct',status='replace', &
if (.not.lopen) then
stop 'da error - unable to open unit: program will terminate.'
end if
end if
char_word(nunit) = record_length/lblk
end subroutine openda
subroutine closda ( nunit )
integer:: nunit
logical:: lopen
if (lopen) close(unit=nunit)
nblks(nunit) = 0
lblks(nunit) = 0
end subroutine closda
subroutine real_reed ( x,lword,nunit,nrec )
call check_unit(nunit, lword)
lb = lblks(nunit)
nb = (lword+lb-1)/lb
nr = nrec
no = 1
do i=1,nb
if ( nr <= 0 .or. nr > nblks(nunit) ) then
call print_rel_blk ( nunit, nr )
end if
nl = min(no+lb-1,lword)
read (nunit,rec=nr) (x(j),j=no,nl)
nr = nr + 1
no = nl + 1
end do
end subroutine real_reed
subroutine integer_reed ( nnx,lword,nunit,nrec )
call check_unit(nunit, lword)
lb = lblks(nunit)
nb = (lword+lb-1)/lb
nr = nrec
no = 1
do i=1,nb
if ( nr <= 0 .or. nr > nblks(nunit) ) then
call print_rel_blk ( nunit, nr )
end if
nl = min(no+lb-1,lword)
read (nunit,rec=nr) (nnx(j),j=no,nl)
nr = nr + 1
no = nl + 1
end do
end subroutine integer_reed
subroutine dp_reed ( x,lword,nunit,nrec )
lwrd = ubound(x,1)
call check_unit(nunit, lwrd)
lb = lblks(nunit)/2
nb = (lwrd+lb-1)/lb
nr = nrec
no = 1
do i=1,nb
if ( nr <= 0 .or. nr > nblks(nunit) ) then
call print_rel_blk ( nunit, nr )
end if
nl = min(no+lb-1,lwrd)
read (nunit,rec=nr) (x(j),j=no,nl)
nr = nr + 1
no = nl + 1
end do
end subroutine dp_reed
subroutine inquir ( nunit,nrec )
end subroutine inquir
subroutine xtenda ( mblk,nunit )
lblk = lblks(nunit)
nblks(nunit) = nblks(nunit) + mblk
end subroutine xtenda
subroutine check_unit(nunit, lword)
integer :: nunit, lword
logical :: lopen
if (.not.lopen) then
stop 'da error - unit not open: program will terminate.'
if ( lword <= 0 ) then
stop 'da error - invalid block length: program will terminate.'
end if
end if
end subroutine check_unit
subroutine print_rel_blk ( unit, block )
integer :: unit, block
stop 'da error - relative block not in data set: program will terminate.'
end subroutine print_rel_blk
subroutine fulnam ( filnam, name )
! routine to convert a simple file name to a full path
character(len=*) :: filnam
character(len=512) :: data_path
character(len=4) :: data='DATA'
character(len=512) :: current_path
character(len=6) :: curdir='PWD'
character(len=16) :: short_name
character(len=512) :: name, data_path_name, current_path_name, full_path_name
logical :: exists, found
integer :: n99=99, iostat
! check if filnam already has path
if (index(filnam(1:3),separator) > 0 ) then
name = filnam
end if
! get the scale data and tmpdir directory paths from environmental variables
data_path = ' '
current_path = ' '
data_path_name = filnam
current_path_name = filnam
call getenv ( data, data_path )
call getenv ( curdir, current_path )
! construct the full path name for the dataset name
if ( data_path /= ' ' ) data_path_name = (trim(data_path))//separator//filnam
if ( current_path /= ' ' ) current_path_name = (trim(current_path))//separator//filnam
! if the dataset exists in the current directory (tmpdir), use it
! otherwise, look for it in the data directory
inquire (file=filnam,exist=exists)
if ( exists ) then
name = current_path_name
! check names constructed in script
inquire (file='data_directory',exist=exists)
found = .false.
if ( exists ) then
rewind n99
read (n99,*,iostat=iostat) short_name, full_path_name
if ( iostat /= 0 ) exit
if ( short_name == filnam ) then
name = full_path_name
found = .true.
end if
end do
end if
close (n99)
if ( found ) return
inquire (file=data_path_name,exist=exists)
if ( exists ) then
name = data_path_name
name = current_path_name
end if
end if
end subroutine fulnam
end module direct_access The Flexible Branch Block
In support of various projects, the “flexible branch block” was developed to enable a broader set of perturbations than are available in the typical TRITON branch capability. The typical branch block allows the user to define a single set of mixtures for ‘fuel,’ ‘mod,’ ‘crout’, or ‘crin’. Having only four material set definitions limits user’s ability to specify more complex perturbations that may be possible in some reactors, especially under transient conditions. The flexible branch block was developed such that the user can specify any number of material sets, and then apply separate perturbations to those sets. This capability, for example, enables specification of bypass flow density branches in BWRs in which the in-channel coolant and out-channel moderator can set to different densities in the same branch calculation.
The flexible branch block was developed in the SCALE 6.1 implementation of TRITON and was not modernized for SCALE 6.2. As a result, the flexible branch block is available in SCALE 6.1 and in the legacy mode in SCALE 6.2. The legacy mode can be accessed using t-d as the sequence name, rather than the more typical t-depl. The flexible branch block can be accessed using branchblock as the block name, rather than branch that is used for the typical branch block.
The following section of the manual explains the syntax of the branchblock and contains short examples of each element within the the branchblock. At the end of this section, a full example of a branchblock is provided so that users can gain an understanding of how to use all of the parts of the branchblock in order to define needed calculation branches.
read branchblock
[block keyword specifications]
end branchblock
The advanced branchblock supports five different keyword specifications described below.
mixset — used to define a set of mixtures which can be used in swap and perturbset definition,
systemchange — used to define a system change to, temperatures, nuclide concentrations, and Dancoff factors,
swap - used to define a set of mixtures to swap,
perturbset — used to define a set of perturbations which apply the system changes defined by systemchange to a set of mixtures, and
branch — used to define a branch calculation, composed of various swaps and perturbsets. Additional perturbations may also be defined.
Several keywords in the*branchblock* are defined using
strings. These strings must be must be delimited, i.e. starts and ends
with an identifying marker. (Examples: title="cold"
, title=#hot
, title=!40%void!
, title=(80%void)
). As shown in the following
examples, the string can optionally start with open angle bracket < and
end with a closing angle bracket > (Example: title=<cold>
). All
string-value inputs in the **branchblock** are delimited,
alphanumeric strings with a maximum length of 80 characters. It is
recommended that users choose a single type of delimiter, and then use
that delimiter throughout the branchblock
read branchblock
systemchange title
[systemchange keyword specifications]
end systemchange
end branchblock
systemchange supports the following keyword specifications:
dancoff=(real value)
temperature=(real value)
dendiv N1 f1 N2 f2 end
denmult N1 f1 N2 f2 end
title is required string input and must follow systemchange. Only one title keyword may be specified. Multiple systemchange specifications are allowed, so each specification must have a unique title.
dancoff is optional and is used to set a dancoff factor value in the interval [0,1]. Only one dancoff specification is allowed and can appear anywhere in the systemchange specification following the title.
temperature is optional and is used to set a system temperature in Kelvin. It must be nonnegative. Only one temperature specification is allowed and can appear anywhere in the systemchange specification following the title.
dendiv and denmult are keyword arrays used to define nuclide concentration dividers and multipliers respectively. The arrays must be terminated with the end keyword. Each array is defined by a series of nuclide/factor pairs where nuclide is the ZZZAAA identifier and factor is either a multiply or divide factor applied to that nuclide concentration (Note that the particular mixture for which the factor is applied is defined in the perturb specification described below). Multiply factors must be >=0. Divide factors must be >0. A nuclide identifier set to zero implies that the factor is applied to all nuclides that are not explicitly listed in the array. Multiple dendiv and denmult arrays are allowed and can appear anywhere in the systemchange specification following the title. TRITON applies the concentration factors in the order in which they are entered in the systemchange specification.
Multiple systemchange specifications are allowed in the branch block. They can appear in any order, but must have a unique title.
Define a temperature change to 60 kelvin. (The temperature change will be applied to a set of mixtures defined in the perturbset specification defined later.)
systemchange <60C>
end systemchange
read branchblock
swap title
[swap keyword specifications]
end swap
end branchblock
swap supports the following keyword specifications:
group1 [mixture specifications] end
group2 [mixture specifications] end
title is required string and must follow swap. Only one title keyword may be specified. Multiple swap specifications are allowed, so each specification must have a unique title.
group1 and group2 are used to define a set of mixtures to exchange. group1 must follow the swap title. group2 must follow group1. Only one specification for each group is allowed and they must have the same number of mixtures.
The group1 and group2 keywords support the following keyword specifications:
mixture=(integer value)
mixtures I1 I2 ... IN end
mixset=(string value)
mixture is used to define a single mixture. mixtures is used to define an array of mixtures and is terminated with the end keyword. mixset is used to substitute a mixset specification defined elsewhere in the branchblock. Multiple mixture, mixtures, and mixset are allowed and can be placed in any order. TRITON will remove any duplicated mixture identifier, however each mixture must be defined in the model input.
Exchange material 1 for 4.
swap <1 for 4>
group1 mixture=1 end
group2 mixtures 4 end end
end swap
Exchange a set of mixtures:
swap <RodInsertion>
group1 mixset=<crout> end
group2 mixset=<crin> end
end swap
read branchblock
branch title
[branch keyword specifications]
end branch
end branchblock
branch supports the following keyword specifications.
swap=(string value)
perturbset=(string value)
perturb [perturb specification] end
title is required string and must follow branch. Only one title keyword may be specified. Multiple branch specifications are allowed, so each specification must have a unique title.
swap is used to swap different sets of mixtures. The swap value is a string which is the title of a swap specification defined elsewhere in the branchblock. (The swap specification is described below). Multiple swap specifications are allowed and can appear anywhere in the branch specification following the title.
perturbset is used to apply a series of system perturbations. The perturbset value is a string which is the title of a perturbset specification defined elsewhere in the branchblock. (The perturbset specification is described below). Multiple perturbset specifications are allowed and can appear anywhere in the branch specification following the title.
perturb is used to apply a system perturbation that is not defined through the use of a perturbset specification. perturb specifications must terminate with the end keyword.
perturb supports the following keyword specifications.
change=(string value)
mixture=(integer value)
mixtures I1 I2 ... IN end
mixset=(string value)
change is a string which is the title of a systemchange specification defined elsewhere in the branchblock. Only one change specification is allowed and may appear anywhere in the perturb specification.
The system change is applied to a set of mixtures defined by the mixture, mixtures, and mixset specifications. Only one of each of these keywords is allowed (however all three may be used in the same perturb specification). mixture, mixtures, and mixset may be placed in any order. TRITON will remove any duplicated mixture, however each mixture must be defined in the model input. TRITON will perform swap and perturb operations in the order they appear in the input.
Define a branch to charactize the rodded, cold-zero-power condition. This requires the use of mixture swap entitled <CRodIn> along with the perturbset definition <ColdMod> which perturbs all of the moderator mixtures to a cold temperature and density. The fuel mixtures (defined as <FuelMix>) must also be set to a temperature of 300K.
read branchblock
[...] (contains definitions for <CRodIn>, <FuelMix>, and <ColdMod>)
branch <CZP,rodded>
perturbset=<ColdMod> swap=<CRodIn>
perturb change=<300K> mixset=<FuelMix> end
end branch
systemchange <300K> temperature=300 end systemchange
end branchblock
Define a branch to characterize the BWR instantaneous 100% void branch. This requires that:
in-channel moderator mixtures (<ChannelMod>) are perturbed from 40% void to 100% void (defined by systemchange <40vf-100vf>).
Water-rod moderator mixtures (<WaterRodMod>) are perturbed from 0% void to 5% void (<0vf-5vf>)
Bypass moderator mixtures (<BypassMod>) are perturbed from 0% void to 3% void (<0vf-3vf>)
Corner Rod Fuel mixture (mixture 1) dancoff factor changes (described by <100vf-cornerDF>)
Edge Fuel Rod Mixtures (3,4,5,6,7,10) dancoff factor changes (described by <100vf-edgeDF>)
read branchblock
[...] (contains all other definitions)
branch <100VF>
perturb change=<40vf-100vf> mixset=<ChannelMod> end
perturb change=<0vf-5vf> mixset=<WaterRodMod> end
perturb change=<0vf-3vf> mixset=<BypassMod> end
perturb mixture=1 change=<100vf-cornerDF> end
perturb mixtures 3 4 5 6 7 10 end change=<100vf-edgeDF> end
end branch
end branchblock
mixset — used to define a set of mixtures used in swap, perturbset, and perturb specifications.
read branchblock
mixset title
[mixset keyword specifications]
end mixset
end branchblock
mixset supports the following keyword specifications:
mixture=(integer value)
mixtures I1 I2 ... IN end
mixset=(string value)
title is required string and must follow mixset. Only one title keyword may be specified. Multiple mixset specifications are allowed, so each specification must have a unique title.
mixture is used to define a single mixture. mixtures is used to define an array of mixtures and is terminated with the end keyword. mixset is used to substitute a mixset specification defined elsewhere in the branchblock. Multiple mixture, mixtures, and mixset are allowed and can be placed in any order. TRITON will remove any duplicated mixture identifier, however each mixture must be defined in the model input. If mixset is used to, the mixture set must be previously defined in the branchblock.
In previous example for 100% void fraction, define a mixture set to be used for the edge rod dancoff factor perturbation.
read branchblock
[...] !contains all other definitions
branch <100VF>
perturb change=<40vf-100vf> mixset=<ChannelMod> end
perturb change=<0vf-5vf> mixset=<WaterRodMod> end
perturb change=<0vf-3vf> mixset=<BypassMod> end
perturb mixture=1 change=<100vf-cornerDF> end
perturb change=<100vf-edgeDF> mixset=<edge-fuel> end
end branch
mixset <edge-fuel>
mixtures 3 4 5 6 7 10 end
end mixset
end branchblock
perturbset — used to define a set of system perturbations that can be used in branch specifications.
read branchblock
perturbset title
[perturbset keyword specifications]
end perturbset
end branchblock
perturbset supports the following keyword specifications:
perturb [perturb specification] end
title is required string and must follow perturbset. Only one title keyword may be specified. Multiple perturbset specifications are allowed, so each specification must have a unique title.
After title, multiple perturb specifications can be used to defined a set of perturbations. The perturbset can then be used in branch specifications to simplify the branch input. TRITON will apply the perturbations in the order in which they appear in the perturbset specification.
In previous example for 100% void fraction, define a perturbset for the moderator perturbations, and a separate perturbset for the fuel perturbations.
read branchblock
[...] !contains all other definitions
perturbset <modChange>
perturb change=<40vf-100vf> mixset=<ChannelMod> end
perturb change=<0vf-5vf> mixset=<WaterRodMod> end
perturb change=<0vf-3vf> mixset=<BypassMod> end
end perturbset
branch <100VF> perturbset=<modChange> perturbset=<fuelChange> end branch
perturbset <fuelChange>
perturb mixture=1 change=<100vf-cornerDF> end
perturb change=<100vf-edgeDF> mixset=<edge-fuel> end
end perturbset
mixset <edge-fuel>
mixtures 3 4 5 6 7 10 end
end mixset
end branchblock
branchblock Full Example
Because the branchblock input is so flexible, it may be difficult for users to know where to begin. For that reason, we have provided a sample branchblock that is typical to a BWR analysis. In this example, the open and close parentheses are using instead of angle brackets. In the example provided, the branchblock is separated into ### different sections: definition of mixsets, definition of systemchanges, definition of swaps, definition of perturbsets (which are composed of multiple systemchanges), and definition of branches. This example may appear complicated, but in essence, it is quite straightforward. First, all of the mixture IDs in the problem are defined into logical mixsets. Then, other large mixsets are composed of the individual mixsets. The first two systemchanges, (1/nom) and (1/liq), are a very important items. These systemchanges are density divisors that divide the number densities of a specified moderator mixture by the nominal or liquid density, making the resulting density 1.0. Then, systemchanges that are density multipliers are specified as the actual density, which make the branchblock much easier to read and understand. By using the special density divisors, an almost identical branchblock can be use for different nominal densities — only the density specified in (1/nom) needs to be modified for a different nominal density.
Following the systemchanges, a number of perturbsets are defined to make multiple perturbations to the collant or moderator density. For example, the (00%Void353) perturbset shown below makes six changes: (1) divide all coolant (in-channel) mixtures by the nominal density, then (2) multiple all coolant mixtures by the specified density, (3) divide all liquid water moderator (out-channel) features by the saturated liquid density, then (4) multiple all liquid water features by the specified density, and then, (5) and (6) change the Dancoff factors to their appropriate values corresponding to the coolant and moderator densities.
perturbset (00%Void353)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(00V-353) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(1/liq) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(00V-353) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(00VCold-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(00VCold-dfEO) end
end perturbset
To end the file, all branch calculations are specified in a single block using the previously defined perturbsets. Note that unlike the typical branch block, the flexible branchblock does not need the first branch to correspond to the nominal conditions. It is important to note that in the xfile016 and txtfile16 files, the branch conditions (moderator density, temperature, soluble boron, and CR state) will not be listed correctly in the file header as they are for the typical branch block. When using the branchblock input, TRITON no longer knows the condition for any given branch, however, the branch order specified in the input file is maintained in the xfile016 and txtfile16 files.
Also note that in the example provided, no soluble boron changes have been specified (as this is a BWR example). However, soluble poisons (boron or other), are also fairly straightforward to specify using the density divisors and density multipliers.
BWR branchblock Example
read branchblock
mixset (1f127E) mixtures 701 end end mixset
mixset (1f127C) mixtures 702 end end mixset
mixset (1f169C) mixtures 703 end end mixset
mixset (1f169E) mixtures 704 end end mixset
mixset (1f194) mixtures 705 end end mixset
mixset (1f194C) mixtures 706 end end mixset
mixset (1f194E) mixtures 707 end end mixset
mixset (1f279) mixtures 708 end end mixset
mixset (1f279E) mixtures 709 end end mixset
mixset (1f279gd40) mixtures 710 711 712 713 714 end end mixset
mixset (gap) mixtures 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 end end mixset
mixset (clad) mixtures 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 end end mixset
mixset (coolant) mixtures 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 end end mixset
mixset (mod1) mixtures 1001 end end mixset
mixset (can) mixtures 1004 end end mixset
mixset (cbpois) mixtures 1002 end end mixset
mixset (cbstru) mixtures 1003 end end mixset
mixset (cbclad) mixtures 1005 end end mixset
mixset (cbpoisout) mixtures 1012 end end mixset
mixset (cbstruout) mixtures 1013 end end mixset
mixset (cbcladout) mixtures 1015 end end mixset
mixset (allfuel) mixsets (1f127E)
(1f279gd40) end end mixset
mixset (cornerfuel) mixsets (1f127C)
(1f194C) end end mixset
mixset (edgefuel) mixsets (1f127E)
(1f279E) end end mixset
mixset (solidmod) mixsets (mod1) (cbpoisout) (cbstruout) (cbcladout) end end mixset
mixset (crin) mixsets (cbpois) (cbstru) (cbclad) end end mixset
mixset (crout) mixsets (cbpoisout) (cbstruout) (cbcladout) end end mixset
mixset (allmod) mixsets (coolant) (solidmod) end end mixset
systemchange (1/nom) dendiv 0 0.4573 end end systemchange
systemchange (1/liq) dendiv 0 0.7373 end end systemchange
systemchange (00V) denmult 0 0.7373 end end systemchange
systemchange (40V) denmult 0 0.4573 end end systemchange
systemchange (70V) denmult 0 0.2473 end end systemchange
systemchange (90V) denmult 0 0.1073 end end systemchange
systemchange (100V) denmult 0 0.0373 end end systemchange
systemchange (00V-293) denmult 0 0.9982 end end systemchange
systemchange (00V-313) denmult 0 0.9922 end end systemchange
systemchange (00V-333) denmult 0 0.9837 end end systemchange
systemchange (00V-353) denmult 0 0.9718 end end systemchange
systemchange (293.15K) temperature= 293.15 end systemchange
systemchange (313.15K) temperature= 313.15 end systemchange
systemchange (333.15K) temperature= 333.15 end systemchange
systemchange (353.15K) temperature= 353.15 end systemchange
systemchange (300.00K) temperature= 300.00 end systemchange
systemchange (500.00K) temperature= 500.00 end systemchange
systemchange (1500.00K) temperature=1500.00 end systemchange
systemchange (560.29K) temperature= 560.29 end systemchange
systemchange (948.45K) temperature= 948.45 end systemchange
' 0% void, cold Dancoff Factors
systemchange (00VCold-dfCO) dancoff=0.084 end systemchange
systemchange (00VCold-dfEO) dancoff=0.125 end systemchange
' 0% void, Dancoff Factors
systemchange (00V-dfCO) dancoff=0.116 end systemchange
systemchange (00V-dfEO) dancoff=0.171 end systemchange
' 40% void, Dancoff Factors
systemchange (40V-dfCO) dancoff=0.180 end systemchange
systemchange (40V-dfEO) dancoff=0.256 end systemchange
' 70% void, Dancoff Factors
systemchange (70V-dfCO) dancoff=0.281 end systemchange
systemchange (70V-dfEO) dancoff=0.376 end systemchange
' 90% void, Dancoff Factors
systemchange (90V-dfCO) dancoff=0.421 end systemchange
systemchange (90V-dfEO) dancoff=0.524 end systemchange
swap (cr)
group1 mixset=(crout) end
group2 mixset=(crin) end
end swap
perturbset (00%Void293)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(00V-293) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(1/liq) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(00V-293) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(00VCold-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(00VCold-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (00%Void313)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(00V-313) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(1/liq) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(00V-313) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(00VCold-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(00VCold-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (00%Void333)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(00V-333) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(1/liq) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(00V-333) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(00VCold-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(00VCold-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (00%Void353)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(00V-353) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(1/liq) end
perturb mixset=(solidmod) change=(00V-353) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(00VCold-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(00VCold-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (00%Void)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(00V) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(00V-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(00V-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (40%Void)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(40V) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(40V-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(40V-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (70%Void)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(70V) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(70V-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(70V-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (90%Void)
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(1/nom) end
perturb mixset=(coolant) change=(90V) end
perturb mixset=(cornerfuel) change=(90V-dfCO) end
perturb mixset=(edgefuel) change=(90V-dfEO) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=293.15)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(293.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=313.15)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(313.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=333.15)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(333.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=353.15)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(353.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=948.45)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(948.45K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=500.00)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(500.00K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tf=1500.00)
perturb mixset=(allfuel) change=(1500.00K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tm=293.15)
perturb mixset=(allmod) change=(293.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tm=313.15)
perturb mixset=(allmod) change=(313.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tm=333.15)
perturb mixset=(allmod) change=(333.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tm=353.15)
perturb mixset=(allmod) change=(353.15K) end
end perturbset
perturbset (Tm=560.29)
perturb mixset=(allmod) change=(560.29K) end
end perturbset
' Name Void Frac Fuel Temp Mod Temp CR Pos
branch (branch 1) perturbsets (00%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 2) perturbsets (40%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 3) perturbsets (70%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 4) perturbsets (90%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 5) perturbsets (00%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 6) perturbsets (40%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 7) perturbsets (70%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 8) perturbsets (90%Void) (Tf=948.45) (Tm=560.29) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 9) perturbsets (00%Void) (Tf=500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 10) perturbsets (40%Void) (Tf=500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 11) perturbsets (70%Void) (Tf=500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 12) perturbsets (90%Void) (Tf=500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 13) perturbsets (00%Void) (Tf=1500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 14) perturbsets (40%Void) (Tf=1500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 15) perturbsets (70%Void) (Tf=1500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 16) perturbsets (90%Void) (Tf=1500.00) (Tm=560.29) end end branch
branch (branch 17) perturbsets (00%Void293) (Tf=293.15) (Tm=293.15) end end branch
branch (branch 18) perturbsets (00%Void313) (Tf=313.15) (Tm=313.15) end end branch
branch (branch 19) perturbsets (00%Void333) (Tf=333.15) (Tm=333.15) end end branch
branch (branch 20) perturbsets (00%Void353) (Tf=353.15) (Tm=353.15) end end branch
branch (branch 21) perturbsets (00%Void293) (Tf=293.15) (Tm=293.15) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 22) perturbsets (00%Void313) (Tf=313.15) (Tm=313.15) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 23) perturbsets (00%Void333) (Tf=333.15) (Tm=333.15) end swap=(cr) end branch
branch (branch 24) perturbsets (00%Void353) (Tf=353.15) (Tm=353.15) end swap=(cr) end branch
end branchblock